Linux File Structure: A Simplified Guide


2 min read

๐Ÿ—‚๏ธ File System Hierarchy: A Quick Guide

1. / (Root Directory):

  • The top-level directory in the Linux file system hierarchy.

  • All other directories and files are organized under the root directory.

2. /bin (Binary):

  • Contains essential system binaries (executable files) used by commands.

3. /boot:

  • Holds files related to the system's boot process, including the kernel, bootloader, and boot configuration files.

4. /etc :

  • Houses system-wide configuration files and scripts that control various aspects of the operating system.

  • Contains configuration files required by all programs.

5. /home:

  • Home directories for all users.

6. /lib (Library):

  • Contains shared libraries essential for system boot and system functions.

  • Libraries essential for the binaries in /bin/ and /sbin/.

7. /mnt (Mount):

  • Used for temporarily mounting external file systems, like USB drives or network shares.

8. /opt (Optional):

  • Typically reserved for third-party software installations not managed by the package manager.

9. /proc (Process):

  • Provides information about running processes and system settings in a virtual file system.

  • This is a virtual filesystem with text information about system resources

10. /dev: - Essential device files, these include terminal devices, USB, or any device attached to the system.

11. /sbin (System Binaries): - Contains system binaries used for system administration and maintenance. Example: reboot, fdisk, ifconfig etc.

12. /srv (Service): - Used to store data for services provided by the system. Contains server specific services related data.

13. /tmp (Temporary): - Holds temporary files that are typically deleted upon system reboot.

14. /usr (User): - It stands for "User System Resources" and its primary purpose is to store user-related and system resources, including executable binaries, libraries, documentation, and more.

15. /var (Variable): - Contains variable data that changes during system operation, including logs, spool files, and databases.

16./root: Home directory for root user.

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